This page was last updated: 8/15/2023
FRONT: Joel Morley, Kenny Balthrop, Bob Fortier, Pete Powell, Keith Thomas, Johnny Cantu, Bill Howard, Elias Bazan, Gary Hackelman
BACK: Steve Gillis, Joe Williamson, Bill Mitchell, Skip Bradley, Steve Ober, David Parker, Kevin Kline, Malcolm Latham, Jack Alberty, Bill Ehrhardt, Jerry Davis, Mike Anderson
2018 Roy Hobbs World Series
60+ AAA Third Place
FRONT: Rick Jacobson, Louie Mendez, Dan Coleman, Joel Morley, Scott Weedo, Bill Howard, Oscar Minor, Mike April
BACK: Bill Mitchell, Henry Esparza, J.J. Bailey, Wayne Speaker, Bernie Pieniazek, Bill Downing, Tom Flournoy, Bobby Hoeffner, Jack Alberty, Ron Davis, Joe Williamson, Steve Warnock, Mike Anderson, David Parker
"EVERYBODY UP" meeting after a Charley Brown inning where we GAVE 'em four (4) runs and six (6) outs!!
* Photo courtesy of Rob's son, Ryan.